5:30 P.M. hit and we ditched our French class to embark on one of our nightly Parisian adventures. This time we were headed to the Opèra area to feed our shopping addiction at an Alexander Wang sample sale. Considering it was just about rush hour, we knew the metro would be busy, but that particular night it was painfully slow, stopping randomly and waiting extra long at each station. Frustrated, we eventually decided to hop off and walk the rest of the way to our destination. Strolling past the Tuileries, I remembered how earlier that week I got mad at Kaity for ordering some unnecessary t-shirt from Colette. Considering we had already done enough financial damage, I made a rule that we could only buy things that we absolutely "needed". But I guess an “I’m not a rapper” slogan t-shirt really spoke to her. However, since we were in the neighborhood already, and the damage had already been done, I suggested we take a little detour to Colette.
Colette is a concept store that is equally trendy and forward as it is chic. It’s a place where you can find a Saint Laurent dress for a cocktail party while simultaneously copping some customized graffiti sneakers for a Saturday brunch with your girls. As I waited for Kaity to get her t-shirt, I peeked around the store, flipped through some fashion photography books, and then made my way to the back where there was an extensive display case of watches and headphones. I gazed upon the watches, scoffed a little at the prices and took out my phone to check the time (because who uses watches to tell the time now anyway?) A store employee crept behind me and whispered, “No pictures.” Assuming he was referring to the watches, I just nodded, “okay,” and continued along. I was still a little confused as I looked up and noticed a crowd of employees right across the glass case helping an older man. Curious, I then spotted some black leather fingerless gloves through the swarm of eager employees. “No, it’s not…” I thought to myself. Searching frantically for further verification while trying to peek through the crowd, I caught glimpses of a perfectly tailored blazer, a string of beaded Chanel necklaces, and as he turned his head, a short white ponytail. "It can’t be.” Finally, when one of the employees stepped out of his way so he could check out more watches in the case, I came face to face, eye to dark Chanel sunglass with the man, the myth, and the legend. While I’m usually not one to get starstruck, I immediately rushed over to Kaity and our friend Bridget and whispered, “Guess who’s here.” Neither of them had the patience to guess and I didn't have the patience to wait, so I finally blurted it out. “Karl.”
To say this was a monumental moment is an understatement. Although I never verbally expressed it, I always secretly hoped for this moment during my stay in Paris. I told myself it would be some sort of sign from the universe that I am supposed to be a part of the fashion world. So, the few times we walked past 31 Rue Cambon, I was extremely diligent just in case there was a “Karl sighting” that could not be missed.
But here, in front of me, was this man, this character, this icon, who is arguably one of the most significant fashion figures in the industry and I could not help but feel a little starstruck. I couldn’t meet him or talk to him, but this moment was truly unforgettable and something that I never thought would happen in my lifetime. For the past 34 years, Karl Lagerfeld has completely transformed a fashion house in a way nobody else before him did or even has done now. While Coco Chanel created the DNA of this classic french brand, it would not be the legendary brand that it is today if Karl Lagerfeld had not stepped in. He’s a fashion genius with an unlimited supply of creativity and the ability to make girls like me dream.
Being the rule breaker that she is, Kaity was determined to get a picture before we left. So she scurried on over, faking a phone call just to get photographic evidence of our sighting to send to our mom later. Subsequently, as a millennial habit, Kaity posted a picture to her snapchat story just to prove to our friends that we did actually see this legendary man. And you know what happened? Nobody cared. Nobody was excited. Almost nobody replied, and hardly anybody even knew who he was. The most enthusiastic response we got was, “who the f@$k is that?” and I was heartbroken.
As someone who obsesses over fashion, this was probably the most anticlimactic moment of my life. I probably will never know this man personally, but his work is what first emotionally attached me to fashion. His Chanel collections are the ones that have kept me up at night when I’m all alone watching the shows wondering if it is a world that is even real or tangible for a small town girl like me. How is it that each collection can stay true to Chanel’s iconic look while also reinventing itself every season? And why was nobody excited that I saw him? Before me is a fashion legend in the flesh, and I am simply a girl from Idaho. How could nobody see how big this was?
As the night continued, all of us were still a little amazed about what had just happened. We headed to the sample sale, picked up a few things (sorry Dad), and decided after to get a celebratory drink at the highly ranked bar Candelaria. I sipped my margarita as I texted my mom, “I saw him!! He’s real!! My time in Paris is complete.” Equally as obsessed with Chanel as I am, she was thrilled, sending me various emojis that hardly even made sense in the circumstance but rather symbolized her general loss for words. At least someone shared my enthusiasm.
I always find myself learning valuable lessons in seemingly simple situations. Just part of the beauty of reflecting on life as it flashes by, I guess. Being a notoriously negative person, the entire night, up until my life changing Colette moment, I was completely frustrated by the series of bad events. However, had those series of misfortunes not happened, the perfect timing that led me to one of my most memorable nights in Paris would have never occurred. Whether it be fate or just simply coincidence, I'm happy the metro failed us once again, I'm happy we took it upon ourselves to walk the rest of the way and I am absolutely thrilled that Kaity ordered that stupid shirt because without every single one of those annoying events, I'd have to wait again for another moment in my life to teach me that good things really can come from the bad and everything happens for a reason.
And another thing: don't let anyone come in the way of your happiness because at the end of the day you live life for one person: YOURSELF. If you think it's cool, it's cool, even if nobody knows who it is, what it is, or even anything else for that matter.